Auto Install Azure Monitor Agent with Azure Policy

Getting the Azure Monitor Agent, formerly the Microsoft Monitor Agent (MMA) and Operations Management Suite (OMS) agent, installed on servers, and more importantly installed on new servers is not a very fun or enjoyable task. There are a number of ways to do it. In this post I’ll show you how to do it, and …

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Microsoft Ignite 2018: Azure Monitor Announcements

There were a number of announcements at Ignite about Azure Monitor, I’ll link to all of the ones I’m aware of in this post. The first of which is that Log Analytics is now under Azure Monitor. If you’ve read my blog before you know I’ve been posting a lot about Log Analytics. Azure Monitor …

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Kusto Query Language: the PowerShell of query languages?

I don’t usually get into speculation or predictions. More often than not they turn out wrong. However, something that I’ve been thinking about is the Kusto Query Language, which is the language behind many of my recent posts on Azure Log Analytics. But the PowerShell of query languages? PowerShell is pretty ubiquitous at this point, …

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Powershell Azure Functions: Severless for Ops People

Perhaps you’ve heard of Azure Functions, or maybe more generally serverless computing or serverless apps. If you haven’t heard of it, here is a blurb from MS: Serverless computing is the abstraction of servers, infrastructure, and operating systems. When you build serverless apps you don’t need to provision and manage any servers, so you can …

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POST to Cosmos DB REST API with Powershell

A Cosmos DB post? Yea, a Cosmos DB post. A while back in the start of my Powershell and APIs series I mentioned I may try to post data to Azure Cosmos DB REST API with Powershell. So, here we are. What is Cosmos DB From Microsoft: Azure Cosmos DB is Microsoft’s globally distributed, multi-model …

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SCOM HTML5 Dashboards: SquaredUp vs SCOM 1801 Dashboard

With the release of SCOM 1801, Microsoft has released a full HTML5 dashboard for SCOM. There are no more dependencies on silver-light. So how does the new dashboard compare to third party SCOM HTML5 dashboards? full disclosure: I have used SquaredUp for years in lab and production environments. I have recommended it to several clients …

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Powershell: Invoke-RestMethod vs Invoke-WebRequest

In Powershell, aside from the old school Net objects, we have Invoke-RestMethod and Invoke-WebRequest cmdlets to make HTTP/REST calls. I’ve been exploring both as part of my APIs and Powershell series. So far there are times when one is better than the other at certain things. Like Invoke-RestMethod turning JSON response files directly into Powershell …

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