Virtual Event: SCOMathon

Incase you hadn’t heard, SCOMathon is next week. This virtual event is chock full of great content for both APAC and Western time zones. There are several sessions from Microsoft Premier Field engineers as well as MVPs and community experts.   In particular Kevin Greene will be speaking. Leon Laude is speaking. As is Bob …

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Multi-Home Azure Log Analytics with SCOM, Custom Logs

You may already know that you can multi-home Azure Log Analytics Agents. However did you know that you can multi-home them when one of your Log Analytics sources is a SCOM Management Server? Yes you can. As well as any custom logs you create, you can simply add extra keys and workspace IDs to your …

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SCOM HTML5 Dashboards: SquaredUp vs SCOM 1801 Dashboard

With the release of SCOM 1801, Microsoft has released a full HTML5 dashboard for SCOM. There are no more dependencies on silver-light. So how does the new dashboard compare to third party SCOM HTML5 dashboards? full disclosure: I have used SquaredUp for years in lab and production environments. I have recommended it to several clients …

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Automate Windows Service Monitors in SCOM


Monitoring Windows services in SCOM is a vital part of any SCOM deployment. In this post I will show you how you can automate the creation of SCOM windows service monitors. The first thing you’ll need is Tao Yang’s OpsMgr SDK which I initially spoke about here. The next thing you’ll need is, is the …

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Document your SCOM Distributed Applications with Powershell and Excel

Edit 8/27/2018: added Github link: Github repo here For every consulting project I do one of the requirements is documentation. I like to provide more documentation than required, which is why I give my SCOM clients a general How To document if they are new to SCOM. I also provide documentation on the SCOM …

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