Log Analytics WVD Query Examples

Last year I did a project building monitoring in Log Analytics for Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD). I am providing these Log Analytics WVD Query Examples as is to help anyone that may be wanting to monitor WVD with Log Analytics. You can find the full github repo here
These are some example queries based on the WVD API logs as they existed last year during private preview.
The logs were collected via a custom powershell script that queries the WVD API on a schedule. At the time the logs could not be natively ingested into Log Analytics.
There are several areas, WVD specific logs, RemoteFX Performance counters and General Performance counters.

Remote FX Counters

RemoteFX Counters provide a small snapshot of the quality of the end users experience.
To use the RemoteFX dashboard the below counters need to be added to Log Analytics perf counters. You can use PerfMon to find the exact name of any counter you want to add and add it. I did a post on that here https://www.systemcenterautomation.com/2018/11/custom-performance-counters-log-analytics/
RemoteFX Graphics – Frames Skipped/Second – Insufficient Network Resources
RemoteFX Graphics – Frames Skipped/Second – Insufficient Server Resources
RemoteFX Graphics – Frames Skipped/Second – Insufficient Client Resources
RemoteFX Graphics – Source Frames/Second
RemoteFX Graphics – Frame Quality
RemoteFX Graphics – Graphics Compression ratio
Example RemoteFX Dashboard

Log Analytics WVD Query Examples

you can find this dashboard here.


WVD Information

Log Analytics WVD Query Examples

this dashboard provides count of hostpools, hosts, unique users and any errors users may have experienced during connection. The corresponding dashboard file is here

WVD Usage Time

Log Analytics WVD Query Examples

this dashboard provides count of Hostpools and usage time of host pools, hosts, usage of hosts by users and total usage time for users.
the corresponding dashboard file is here

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